Career Support
The Royal Parks Guild supports people within our industry throughout their career journey via its 'Growing Generations' initiative. This is a partnership that enables the various career support activities the Guild organises. Partnership funding, sponsorship, donations and the Guild Bursary Fund helps us run events such as Apprentice and Trainee Discovery Day. We also link people to mentors or peers and participate in the Royal Parks Apprenticeship Board.
24/7 Support

Discovery Days
Each year the Royal Parks Guild organises an Apprentice and Trainee Discovery Day. We gather together partners, supporters and volunteers to run an inspirational day for people who are in a trainee or apprenticeship scheme from across the UK.

Careers Advice
We support people within the industry who ask for advice. Sometimes this is in the form of informal mentoring, signposting to other organisations or giving advice on an individual basis.

The Royal Parks Apprenticeship Scheme
We participate in the Royal Parks Apprenticeship Scheme, supporting the Royal Parks with our expert advice and knowledge.
Growing Generations Partners