I have been watching over recent months, and with some interest, the work going on in the moat at the Tower of London. And last week – on a quiet Monday, I booked a slot online and went along to see the results. Superb! I was able to wander along the carefully prepared and gently contoured paths and to be right up close amongst this amazing range of meadow flora, targeted at the Jubilee Celebrations but probably now to be retained for several seasons. So do get along if you can spare the time and the dime.

Hampton Court Palace in Bloom

Hampton Court Palace in Bloom
It’s been a huge undertaking and there has been many Historic Royal Palace’s people connected with the project including overall direction by our own Guild members Terry Gough and Graham Dillamore. Mark Gregory, Guild Member and Supporter, is the as contractor responsible for construction through Landform Consultants Ltd. Graham wanted to emphasise the huge effort made by his team and HRP’s Public Engagement team Director, Tom O’Leary.
Graham also directed me to HRP’s own ‘min-super blooms’ which are at Kensington & Hampton Court and which Graham’s team have designed and installed . The Hampton Court super bloom on the West front has been fantastic and has been delighting everyone since early May. Thanks for the prompt Graham … I went along the following week. I understand that the flora are at prime performance now, but fortunately there is in-built succession which will assure a great show continuing through to September. What a joy and privilege.

The Tower of London in bloom

The Tower of London in bloom

The Tower of London in bloom